Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Beginner's Point of View 92-93

Day 92:

Today I attended the basic class and was reminded about how I am not in the best of shape. Warm-ups caused my breath to leave me and my heart to pound loudly. Still, it was a good workout.

We concentrated on footwork this time. We did a lot of basic footwork to work up to a full haya-suburi to teach proper stance. We then practiced men strike over and over while charging across the floor. We practiced kote strike while charging across the floor. Then we practiced kote-men while charging across the floor. All of this was leading up to the class practicing men, kote, kote-men drills to finish the class.

It was a good practice and a good workout. I decided not to push myself too hard for the advanced class and I went home. I may need the workout, but previous doctors have told me that pushing your heart too hard too often is not a good thing. So I decided to pace myself. I want to make shodan, not hurt myself.

Day 93:

No class as I am working late at my job.

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