Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Beginner's Point of View 664-665

Day 664:

In Iaido, I completed 3 sets of kata. My back feels okay but I don’t want to overdo it. I remembered to ask about the footwork in the tenth kata. You don’t need to turn your front foot exactly towards the opponent. Keep your feet pointed towards the opponent but offset by about 45 degrees. They’re parallel and turn on the balls of your feet, not heels.

In Kendo class, we started class with kihon. I decided to not push myself too hard to not roll dice against ym injuries. We had a lot of mixed-up waza to keep everyone thinking. Kiri-kaeshi, kote-kiri-kaeshi-with-tsuki, doh-kiri-kaeshi-with-tsuki, men-debana-kote, and then ai-ouchi-men.

We then start a new set of drills. Sensei wanted us to fight like a kyu. So, I wound up obviously and struck men. My partners got beaten a lot until they adapted. Then sensei wanted me to fight like a “good kyu”, which I think means ikkyu. I was faster and started to swing farther away. Finally, we were told to fight normally. The students got better as we kept fighting. Then the dans fought and I pushed myself. Then we all lined up for ippon ji-geiko. I fought against sensei and I struck two good men. However, the first did not have good zanshin. I made sure to take chudan afterwards and he relented.

I hope I didn’t overdo it.

Day 665:

I overdid it.

No class today as I am injured.

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