Sunday, June 14, 2015

A Beginner's Point of View 686-687.5

Day 686:

No class today as I am ill.

Day 687:

No class today as I am ill.

Day 687.5 Tournament:

I have arrived at our tournament. I have spent the last week sick and I’m not really recovered. Still, the dojo needs me. I was put in charge of Table A. I spent hours making sure fighters had their ribbons tied and calling out matches. Eventually I had my two matches. I lost both outright. I took my second match into encho so I was at least not useless. It must have been 12 hours since my last meal. I also was too busy setting up the courts to warm up with the others. All day we were running late.

I had a sandwich and chips at lunch with a bottled drink. That should be good enough to finish the day. In our team match, I actually won my match 1-0. We advanced to second round, where we were defeated soundly, as usual. Still, I’m happy enough to win a match today. The first men my second team opponent struck I thought was not right. It was on the very left edge of my skull, not on center. Still, you don’t argue with shinpan. I kinda know how my opponent felt at the tournament before this one. He gave the shinpan a glare but said nothing. I tried an all-or-nothing men attack from to-ma. He countered with a quick men and got me solidly. At the end of the day, I was completely exhausted.

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