Sunday, February 28, 2016

A Beginner's Point of View 760-761

Day 760:

In Iaido class, my first Sensei showed up. I gave him the check and bought the sword. I got to complete 2.67 sets of kata. To do better, I need to swing more gently and calm down.

In Kendo, I led the warm-ups for the other nidan. It was a small class today. It’s the last week that Sensei takes the other students aside for basic training. It was easy drills of taking center and tsuki. During ji-geko, I was light on my feet.

Day 761:

In Iaido, I completed 3 full sets with time to spare. This sword is really good. I need to avoid twisting the ki-saki at the draw. It’s scraping. We should do more practice testing since the seminar is coming up.

In Kendo, our other nidan did not show up. I ran the class, wanting to teach something more advanced. I showed them a bunch of oji-waza to get them to take center and then strike. Harai-men, suriage-men, nuki-men, and tatsugi-men.

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