Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Beginner's Point of View 503-504

Day 503:

Sensei was sick today, so he could only teach the beginner class. He handed the advanced class to myself and another shodan. We were surprised.

We just tried to settle for a simply wide series of waza. Men-ouchi, kote-ouchi, kote-men-ouchi, and doh-ouchi. We tried to pull off a hotseat but with only four total people it didn’t go off well. We then moved into men-kaeshi-doh and kote-suriage men. We finished with some ji-geiko.

Day 504:

Had to rest a bit

I have trimmed the callous on my foot very close to my flesh to avoid tearing more flesh.

Today, the Sensei was trying to kill us with pure work. We had so many repetitions. First it was four repetitions, then six, then eight, then ten. Once you thought you were done you now do it eight times, then six, and then four. Only then do you move to the next waza. Sensei was keeping pace, but the rest of us were sufferting.

We did kiri-kaeshi and then into waza. Men-ouchi, kote-ouchi, ai-ouchi-men, doh-ouchi, kote-men-ouchi.

I had to sit out for a full count of a waza before stepping back in. We finished with some ji-geiko. I had to conserve my breath for occasions when I could surprise my opponent with the burst of speed.

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