Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Beginner's Point of View 573-574

Day 573:

I completed three sets of kata in Iaido plus a few spare kata. I had a question for Sensei. During the seminar, a Sensei instructed me about pulling my hands into my body as opposed to reaching forward like in Kendo. My Sensei told me that this was kiri-oroshi (allowing the cut to fall) as opposed to kiri-otoshi (making the cut fall). It is the way to really cut with a sword as opposed to charging forward to supply the forward motion.

In Kendo, I’m using the tabi to preserve the skin of my left foot. I don’t like the deep cracks and blisters anymore. This is my first Kendo practice since having influenza. I was asked to lead warm-ups and suburi. We did kiri-kaeshi, men-ouchi, kote-ouchi, step-in-other-men, step-in-other-kote, step-in-ai-ouchi-men, and then a match of ippon shobu for only 20 seconds. My left toe hurts. Perhaps I twisted it during practice. I’d hate for this to be normal for wearing atabi just barely big enough to fit my foot. Also, I nearly collapsed from the effort. Maybe the flu took more stamina from me than I thought.

Day 574:

Today was a warm day. I was actually able to perform three sets of Iaido kata and have enough time for a full set afterwards in random order. I feel tired but good. I decided to try Kendo again. We had someone show up and watch practice. We might have a new student.

In Kendo, I stepped in for suburi. For practice, we did kiri-kaeshi, step-in men, step-in kote, walk-in men, ji-geiko, and a final set of kiri-kaeshi. I felt poorly by the end of class, like I nearly wanted to step out and rest. I pushed myself and just finished class. I need more time to recover. I have an appointment with the doctor for a physical. I may need to stay out of Kendo while recovering.

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