Friday, May 10, 2013

A Beginner's Point of View 473-474

Day 473:

No class today as I am not well.

Day 474:

Today was a simple day for Iaido. I did three sets of kata. The fifth kata seemed strange. My saya keeps flipping itself over before cutting downward. I asked the instructor and he said you’re supposed to make sure it does that so you can noto.

I finished class and put on bogu. I stepped into warm-ups. The instructor decided that we were lazy, so we did two sets of fifty haya-suburi after the normal suburi. Then we did some of the older men, kote, doh, and kote-men drills. It’s nice to see the old ones back again.

During okuri-ashi, the instructor commented that when trying to keep my posture for fumi-komi drills I’m being too conservative in my leap. I need to leap farther.

We did a ton of drills for practice. Kiri-kaeshi, seven men-ouchi, kiri-kaeshi, seven kote-ouchi, doh-kiri-kaeshi, and even two ji-geikos. During the drills, I leaped farther and farther, only to feel the broken callous on my left foot rip open. The warm wetness came signaling blood. There’s no blood allowed on the floor, so I had to step out. The instructor told me to tape it up and I can get back in. I taped it up, but I had to angle the tape around my foot to avoid having it scrape off. I went back in and the instructor commented that I’m starting at too close to my opponent. That’s embarrassing. I was telling other students the same thing earlier today.

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