Thursday, May 16, 2013

A Beginner's Point of View 475-476

Day 475:

Today was warm. I did three sets of Iaido kata. I was really leaning forward on my forward foot too much, almost to the point of wobbly. The instructor was teaching a new student about horizontal and vertical cuts.

In Kendo, instead of helping with warm-ups the instructor asked me to teach the new students (of which there are three) about standing and walking. This would give him the chance to watch the regular class and correct student there. I felt very honored, being trusted to teach the beginners. About halfway through, I was corrected by an instructor not to teach too fast. Footwork only on the first day. Another student reminded me to ask the student to check their feet once in a while to make sure they’re keeping good footwork. I did that for the whole class.

I’d be a little upset at not getting hard training if I was planning on testing in a few months. However, the instructors answered my question about how I was doing by saying I wouldn’t be ready in a few months. I think they’re right, so I’m not upset. I wouldn’t mind teaching again.

Day 476:

Today was hot and humid. I did two and a half sets of Iaido. The normal Kendo instructor did not show up.

I was asked to lead rei-hou, warm-ups, and okuri-ashi. At the end of okuri-ashi, the lead instructor switched places with me. He taught the class while I taught the beginners to combine suri-ashi with men strikes. We worked up towards kiri-kaeshi. The extent of it was four men-ouchi forwards, followed by four men-ouchi backwards. It was good for my footwork as well as theirs.

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